해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Golf Practice Net Golf Ball Hitting Netting,Heavy Duty Nylon Golf Sports Netting Barrier Nets 10x10ft/10x15ft/10x20ft…

상품번호 B0986XGKHT
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상품가격 $62.99
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【Sturdy Material】The golf practice net is woven with high strength nylon fiber netting material, durable enough to withstand high impact golf hitting and driving balls.Strong and Wear resistant.【Multisports Application】1"(25mm) square mesh sports netting is widely applied to golf balls, baseball, hockey, soccer, football, basketball, lacrosse.No more chasing the balls and prevent the missing balls breaking the property and people. No worry windows and cars broken, No more lost balls!【Well Finished Edge】The golf netting panel contains well finished 1/4" (6mm)thick border all sides, it\'s easy to attach to your structure/trees/poles with cables, zip ties, carabiner...It\'s NET ONLY without stand or frame.【Weather Treated】The golf ball net material are all coated with environmental tar throughout the entire net which is built to long-lasting use indoor and outdoor. It\'s odourless and no smell.【Wide Uses】The golf hitting net is suitable to built golf batting cage or driving range while works great as a sport barrier netting for your backyard, garage,basement.Enjoy Swinging anywhere you like.
Sports Net to Meet Wide Use Great multi purpose net that works well as hitting net, backstop net, barrier netting, protective screens net, practice net, divider net and batting cage net. Featured with knotless square mesh netting, perfect to stop losing balls like golf balls, baseball, softball, volleyball, basketball, soccer.... Help you focus more on practicing without wasting time to pick up balls and protect your players and fans from foul balls and over throws. When used in backyard, work great to stop your balls going over neighbor\'s yard and keep the property safe.

2024-10-01 21:38:15

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