해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
WEESO Women's Long Sleeve Sweatshirts Color Block Crewneck Sweaters Tunic Tops tunic-shirts Women's Tunics

상품번호 B098JMPDZ6
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상품가격 $25.99
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The material slightly thicker than a t-shirt but not as heavy as a sweatshirt, enough to keep you warm in fall. It is a great choice when weather turns cold suddenly in summer night. This sweatshirt is designed for people who like lightweight warmth.Definitely going to be one of you favorites this Fall/Winter. This cute top it\'s a versatile style that could easily be dressed up of down. ✔Color Block: The color block is subtle; enough that the tops doesn\'t look boring ✔Material: Lightweight, but very warm. Sweater material, super soft, but not heavy and still so fashionable doesn’t look slouchy. Perfect for someone who is always hot and doesn\'t want the bulkiness of a sweater ✔Washe: Stretches well and material washes well with no to minimal shrinking. It does get softer with each wash. washed on normal and dried in the dryer, removing promptly when finished ✔Side Slit: The sweatshirt long enough to easily cover your butt over leggings, and has side slits for a loose fit over your hips, sitting comfort If you are in a really cold climate you might need to layer under it to stay warm. It is a great knock around top. Long enough to pair with leggings, jeans and booties to run to the store. Looks great with tennis shoes, shorts and a statement jewelry piece Size Chart: S: Bust: 96cm/37.8\'\', Waist: 94cm/37.01\'\', Length: 70cm/27.56\'\' M: Bust: 101cm/39.76\'\', Waist: 99cm/38.98\'\', Length: 71cm/27.95\'\' L: Bust: 109cm/42.91\'\', Waist: 107cm/42.12\'\', Length: 72cm/28.35\'\' XL: Bust: 119cm/46.85\'\', Waist: 117cm/46.06\'\', Length: 73.5cm/28.94\'\' 2XL: Bust: 129cm/50.79\'\', Waist: 127cm/50.00\'\', Length: 75cm/29.53\'\'

2024-09-29 01:27:55

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