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Autel MaxiCOM MK900BT Scanner, 2025 8in MK900-BT up of MK900 MX900 MS906BT MK808BT PRO MK808S MX808S MK808Z, CAN-FD&DOIP, 3000+ Active Test as MP900BT, 40+ Service, OE Diagnose, WiFi Print, 11 OS, FCA

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상품가격 $659.00
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???【2025 AUTEL FLAGSHIP MK900BT MK900-BT, NEW MODEL OF MK808S MK900 MX900 MK808BT MX808S】2025 newest Autel MK900BT retains all features of MK808S MX900 MX808S MK808Z MK808Z-BT MK808K-BT, while EXTRA added powerful functions (value 2000+ bucks). The Pro-level Autel MK900BT makes a big leaps: 28+➡40+, 50+➡3000+ Active Tests, 2025 NEW✅CAN FD & DOIP protocols ✅Pre&Post diagnostic report ✅WIFI Print ✅Auto VIN&Auto Scan 2.0 ✅Scan VIN/ License ✅Battery Test(BT506). Enjoy larger 8in 1280*800 user-friendly UI (replace 7in Mini MK808S MK808Z MP808S), optimized 7000mAh battery ensures full-day work (MK808Z-BT MK808K-BT only 5000mAh), 2G➡4G,16G➡64G, 33feet working range remo.ves cable restrictions.?【3000+ ACTIVE TESTS (50➡3000+), SAME AS MS906 PRO】Differ from MS906BT MS906 MP808 MK808 MX808 MK808BT only 50 tests, Autel scanner MK900BT escaner automotriz professional offers 3000+ active tests, it can send command to ECUs & monitor actuators operation, quickly locating faulty components. Bidirectional scanning takes your diagnostics to the next level with menu lists 3000+ active tests, such as windows, rear mirrors, sunroof, wipers, fuel injector, coolant fans, radiator fan, AC clutch, coolant pump and more.?【40+ HOT SERVICES FOR 150 MAKES (28+➡40+)】Full level-up of OBD2 code reader MaxiCom MK808S MK808 MK808Z MX808S MK808Z-BT with 28 service, Autel scan tool MK900BT/ MK900-BT offers 40+ maintenance service on 150+ brands 10,000 vehicles from 1996-2024-2025. Hottest Services like: Oil Reset, ABS Bleed, SAS Calibration, Injector Coding, SRS, Throttle Reset, Gearbox Reset, Battery Registration etc. Added 12+ advanced resets: rain slash light sensor reset, HVA.C/ SUS calibration etc. Welcome to send Vehicle Make>Model>Year>VIN>Functions you required to ?autelsupply @ outlook . com? check compatibility.?【OE ALL SYSTEM DIAGNOSE, AUTO SCAN 2.0: SCAN LICENSE/ AUTO VIN】2025 new release Autel MaxiCOM MK900-BT scan tool embodies all system diagnostic with its 8in display for all vehicles. Like Sna.p-on tools, it can perform ✔Read/Clear Codes✔Displays 5-in-1 Live Data✔Record & Playback Data✔Retrieve Info on all available systems like ABS ECM BCM SRS TCM etc. In addition to Auto VIN technology, Autel MK900BT adds Scan License/ Auto Scan 2.0 to identify vehicle’s VIN/ license, make, year, model, no need manual input; One-click WiFi Printing of Pre&Post comparison diagnostic reports, highlight root causes of problems.??【2025 NEWER CAN FD&DOIP + WIFI PRINT+ PRE&POST SCAN】Autel MaxiCOM MK900BT offer top features typically found only on 2000+ buc.ks table.ts. New protocols CAN FD &DOIP: ✅CAN FD works for GM (2019+) ✅DOIP works for Volv.o 2018+, Jaguar&Land Rover 2017+, BM.W F&G chassis models. ✅WIFI Print One-Click✅Pre&Post Scan, output logical diagnostic contr.ast reports for sharing to your clients. ✅Autel Cloud server offers infinite space to save repair data, never loose data anymore. Upgrade Autel V150 offers 33ft wireless diagnose, stable and faster than MK900 MK808S MK808.?【10+ HIGH-END FUNCTIONS: BATTERY TEST, FCA & RENAULT SGW, ENDOSCOPE】Upgrade from Autel MK900 MX900 MK808S MK808BT MK808Z MX808S, Autel MaxiCOM MK900BT covers more features.✅Battery Test (Work with BT506): cranking/ charging test, in/out-vehicle test. ✅Endoscope (MV108S/MV105S) ✅Remote Desk ✅Global Version✅21+ Languages. FCA AutoAuth allows perform complete diagnose and service for 2018+ FCA cars, for Chrysler Dodge Jeep & newest Renault cars.?【PREMIUM HARDWARE, BETTER THAN MK808S】Faster! Stable! Autel MaxiCOM MK900BT adopts improved Android 11.0 OS, lightning-fast quad-core RK3566 CPU processor, 4G&64G, 5&2.4GHz WIFI, 7700mAh rechargeable Battery ensures long-lasting performance. Compa.red with MK808S MK808Z 7-inch mini screen and wired 3.3feet diagnosis, our 8-inch wireless bidirectional scanner MK900BT provides super large UI view, 33feet wireless diagnosis, no longer have to curl up on the steering wheel diagnose.?【21+ LANGUAGES, 1 YEA.R UPDATE】Autel MaxiCOM MK900BT without IP restriction and support 21+ languages (send S/N to us authorize languages). Backed by 30 Days No-Reason Full Re.turn and Replacem.ent Policy. Autel MK900-BT comes with 1 year warra.nty and 1 ye.ar fre.e software update. If any question, please reach us via ?autelsupply @ outlook. com?.

2025-02-05 18:43:57

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