해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Insulated vacuum Thermo Bottle 500ml/16.9oz with cup Stainless steel coffee bottles for hot and cold drink water flask.(Silver,500ml)

상품번호 B0992BDWPY
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Kitchen & Dining
브랜드 Brand: GIOGD
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $16.99
상품가격 상세보기

High-Quality:Our water bottles are BPA-free and made of liner 18/8 Stainless steel,In anti-oxidation and corrosion resistance to protect the water bottle from oxidation and peculiar smell,which means There will be no metallic smell or rust on your Water Bottle.Keep Heat and Cold:Our metal water bottle has double-layer heat insulation and vacuum heat insulation.It has good leak-proof performance and can keep the beverage cold or hot for 12 hours.There will be no condensation.Convenient Multi-purpose Lid:Insulated Bottles are new screw top design,leak proof,So you can put it in your backpack without worrying about any spillage.The wide mouth of the Vacuum Bottle makes it easy to pour into a serving cupr,replaces many single use plastic water cup.Full Size:We sell Stainless Steel Thermo in 500ml,750ml,1l,1.5l capacity,You can choose the capacity you need according to your needs,Suitable for home,office,school,travel,outdoor,sports,mountaineering,hiking,camping.Perfect Gifts:It is a good choice to express your care for friends and family with beautiful and practical gifts,Perfect gift for birthday,Christmas, Anniversary or other celebrations.Satisfactory Customer Service:If you are not satisfied with our products or have any quality problems,Please feel free to contact us and we will provide you with the corresponding solutions.

2024-09-05 07:34:28

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