해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
JOMWECL Plasma Cutter, 50 AMP Non-Touch Pilot Arc Plasma Cutter, 3 in 1 Air Plasma Cutter Dual Voltage 110v/220v, 3/4"Max Clean Cut, CT520DP

상품번호 B099JFF31M
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상품가격 43.90
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?Non-touch Pilot ARC Plasma Cutter: 50-Amp inverter Pilot Arc Plasma Cutters,efficiently cuts though rough, painted and rusty surfaces. Pilot arc technology allows you to cut without touching the tip to the metal. Better cutting quality and longer life.?TIG/MMA Welding Function: The thickness of the plasma cutting machine and the welding effect in the tig mode are very good. It is suitable for beginners and experienced people in all welding fields.?Cutting Performance: 10-50 A DC output, 1/2” clean cut and 3/4” maximum cut under 220V. 10-35A DC output, 1/3" ideal clean cut and 2/5" maximum severance cut under 110V. Welding Performance: Compatible with φ Max.3.2mm acid & alkaline electrode.? 50 Amp output★: Up to 50A output current can cut up to 31/64 inch (13.0 mm) boards. Equipped with digital display and alarm LED to read the output welding current.?Our service: We offer 60 days refund and a 2-YEARS Limited Warranty: include 1 Year NEW Replacement Warranty. please feel free to contact us by phone or email, We are glad to serve you。

2024-05-15 06:50:25

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