해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DUCLUS Light Box Photography, 12"x12" Professional Photo Booth Box with 8 Photo Backdrop, 112 LED Lights Dimmable & high CRI>95 Lightbox for Mini Product Photography: Jewelry, Miniature Models etc.

상품번호 B099Z94MQP
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상품가격 $39.99
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【Shoot Like A Pro】With 112 ultra-bright LED bulbs and 10 brightness settings ranging from 0% - 100%, this premium photo light box helps you achieve accurate illumination to highlight the beauty of each unique item you shoot. Featuring a 95+ High Color Rendering Index and up to 5500K to simulate realistic daylight, our light box lets you capture stunning photos with perfect color representation to help attract more likes.【Uniform illumination】One of the coolest features of our photo studio light box is stable and uniform illumination without unwanted shadows and flickering. Built in ring lights and 5 INNER REFLECTIVE WALLS are great at evenly distributing the light to ensure minimal shadowing. We’ve also included a diffuser to soften lighting, which really makes your photos stand out!【Multi-Angle Shooting】Take stunning snaps from front-on as well as top-down. Our product photography light box allows you to take pictures from different angles depending on your product’s size and position. Better still, you can adjust the light source direction by flipping the lightbox to easily achieve the effect of the SIDE lighting and FRONT lighting angles.【8 Photo Backdrops】This professional photography light box includes 2 Matte BACKDROPS to absorb light and reduce reflection as well as 6 colors PVC BACKDROPS. Each PVC backdrop is easily cleaned, durable, and WATERPROOF, enabling you to take photos of water droplets on products without damaging the backdrops.【Set up in 3 seconds】Simple can be mighty! People love how our folding photo box features an all-in-one design that easily assembles in only 3 SECONDS. This portable photo studio box can also be USB powered and is ready to go at the drop of a hat!【Accessory & Warranty】This total package includes a 12 inch light box, 6 PVC backdrops, 2 matte paper backdrops, 2 diffuser cloth, 1 user Manual and 1 reinforced carry bag. Our light box photography kit is also covered by a 1 year warranty. If you have any issues with our product please get in touch and we will make things right within 24 hours.

2024-02-13 21:01:57

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법인명 : (주)카고맥스 | 대표이사 : 허승철
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