해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Nouhaus +Posture Ergonomic PU Leather Office Chair. Click5 Lumbar Support with FlipAdjust Armrests. Modern Executive Chair and Computer Desk Chair (White)

상품번호 B099ZQ3SPS
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상품가격 $262.29
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Ergonomic Versatility: The Nouhaus lumbar support ergonomic chair leads the pack, this ergonomic chair seamlessly combines executive style, modern design, and exceptional comfort. It\'s your ultimate choice for comfort and health during your workday. You deserve the best chair in the house, and Nouhaus is the brand that delivers exactly what you need.Click-5 Comfort: The Nouhaus office chair comes with five-position adjustable lumbar support, offering personalized support and comfort. You can select the most suitable lumbar support position to help you maintain a comfortable and healthy posture during long hours of work.Adaptable Comfort: The Nouhaus executive chair features a 135-degree tilt angle, allowing you to comfortably sit upright for work or lean back to rest your back. The armrest offers multiple options: with arms, armless, or something in between. Your choice, your comfort.Sleek & Sturdy: This desk chair features a 1.3mm PU leather design, backrest and seat cushion frame made of Plywood E1, heavy-duty nylon base, high elastic molded foam, class-4 Gas Lift, 18.7-22.4in range, max 240lbs. Colors: Black, Taupe, or White for a stylish touch.Effortless Assembly: This Nouhaus office chair comes with installation tools and instructions, weighing 40.8 pounds. If you encounter any issues during installation or use, please contact us, and we will provide the most satisfactory service.

2025-01-10 19:28:30

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