해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Korean Rice Cake Tteokbokki Stick – 1 Pack (3 Individual Package X 1 Pack) Vegan, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Halal,Tteok Rice Cakes Food Pasta 21.16 oz Per Pack

상품번호 B09B2XR99G
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상품구분 Grocery & Gourmet Food / Snacks & Sweets
브랜드 Visit the UNHA\'S ASIAN SNACK BOX Store
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $11.84
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HIGH-QUALITY RICE CAKE – Tteokbokki tteok, or Korean rice cake, is a highly popular Korean street food and a delicious comfort food you can easily make at home. This comes in a value box of 6 individual packs and is non-GMO and gluten free. Our premium quality tteokbokki tteok has the perfect soft rice cake texture ideal for rice cake based dishes to give you an excellent dining experience in the comfort of your home! Enjoy the taste of homemade dishes with these quality rice cakes.DELICIOUS DISH – These packs of rice cakes come with a recipe and cooking directions for making the popular Korean dish, tteokbokki. Tteokbokki (also spelled ddukbokki, ddeokbokki, dukbokki or topokki), is a beloved Korean rice cake dish with many variations and a rich history. Literally translated as “stir-fried rice cake”, this spicy rice cake dish is enormously popular as a street food and also often enjoyed at home. It’s so good, once you get a taste, you’ll be craving for more!AUTHENTIC KOREAN FOOD – Tteokbokki tteok is a highly popular Korean street food and a delicious comfort food you can easily make at home. The spicy and slightly sweet dishes you can make with these chewy rice cakes are simply addictive! Our rice cakes are top quality that compares to that of high end restaurants’ but for the price and convenience of rice cakes found at your local grocery store. They’re easy to prepare, and the multipack makes these affordable on top of being tasteful.TASTY TTEOKBOKKI – Tteokbokki is made with garaetteok, a cylinder-shaped white rice cake that is used in various ways in Korea. The thick type is sliced into thin oval shapes for tteokguk (rice cake soup). The thinner, shorter type is used for tteokbokki, hence the name tteokbokki tteok. The dish is so popular it is served in restaurants, street vendors, and also made in many households. It’s so addictive, even if your tummy is full, you will still have some room for these spicy rice cakes!CONVENIENT & LONG-LASTING – With our rice cakes, cooking has never been easier. The multipack is economical, and the tightly sealed individual packaging is designed to last for long periods of time to retain freshness. Rice cakes can be frozen to last you even longer, so you don’t have to worry about it going bad soon. It’s great for last minute meals as it’s a tasty basic food that’s good for many different dishes. Expand your personal menu and enjoy classic tteokbokki.Product of Korea

2024-09-04 21:33:05

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