해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ILM Adult Bike Helmet with USB Rechargeable LED Front and Back Light Mountain&Road Bicycle Helmets for Men Women Removable Goggle Cycling Helmet E3-10L

상품번호 B09BQSZYW4
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상품가격 $64.99
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Excellent Safety Protection: Certified by ASTM, CPSC, CE, and EN1078. The one-piece structure combines EPS and PC shells to ensure better shock absorption and provide safer protection. The bike helmet adult is protective and ideal for urban commuting, cycling, skateboarding; also suitable for city, road, electric, trek bike and etc.Highly Visible: This bike helmet designed with USB rechargeable front and rear light. While the front lights provide lighting, the rear lights provide higher visibility for the vehicles or people behind you, providing better protection on the city streets; Features 4 lighting modes, the bike helmet light can be easily changed lighting modes from Steady into Flashing or Blinking by simple clicks button.Cool Riding: 10 strategically placed vents actively capture cool airflow through the front vents and push the hot air out through the rear cooling channels to reduce overheating and keep you cool on your long rides; The bike helmets are lightweight without much pressure on your head even for a longer duration of wearing.Size Adjustment System: Detachable tinted lens, blocks UV rays/dust/sand, helmet is eyeglass friendly Size adjuster meets the requirements of most cyclists head sizes.Removable&Washable Lining: The inner lining is made of breathable mesh fabric to keep you dry while riding. In addition, Electronic products can\'t be 100% guaranteed to work properly. If there is any problem with the light, please contact us. We will give you a proper solution.

2025-01-08 10:32:01

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