해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Razer Basilisk V3 Customizable Ergonomic Gaming Mouse: Fastest Gaming Mouse Switch - Chroma RGB Lighting - 26K DPI Optical Sensor -Classic Black

상품번호 B09C13PZX7
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상품가격 $49.99
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ICONIC ERGONOMIC DESIGN WITH THUMB REST — PC gaming mouse favored by millions worldwide with a form factor that perfectly supports the hand while its buttons are optimally positioned for quick and easy access11 PROGRAMMABLE BUTTONS — Assign macros and secondary functions across 11 programmable buttons to execute essential actions like push-to-talk, ping, and moreHYPERSCROLL TILT WHEEL — Speed through content with a scroll wheel that free-spins until its stopped or switch to tactile mode for more precision and satisfying feedback that’s ideal for cycling through weapons or skills11 RAZER CHROMA RGB LIGHTING ZONES — Customize each zone from over 16.8 million colors and countless lighting effects, all while it reacts dynamically with over 150 Chroma integrated gamesOPTICAL MOUSE SWITCHES GEN 2 — With zero unintended misclicks these switches provide crisp, responsive execution at a blistering 0.2ms actuation speed for up to 70 million clicksFOCUS plus 26K DPI OPTICAL SENSOR — Best-in-class mouse sensor with intelligent functions flawlessly tracks movement with zero smoothing, allowing for crisp response and pixel-precise accuracy
Create, control, and champion your playstyle with the new Razer Basilisk V3—the quintessential ergonomic gaming mouse for customized performance. With 10+1 programmable buttons, a dual-mode tilt scroll wheel, and a heavy dose of Razer Chroma RGB, it\'s time to light up the competition your way.

2024-02-13 12:59:43

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