해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
OwnMy 2PCS of 6 Inch Rubber Wheel Replacement Wheelchair Front Wheels Rollator Walker Anti-Slip Replacement Casters Rollers Wheels Universal Wheelchair Replacement Wheel Accessories, Black

상품번호 B09C5TXD9X
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상품구분 Mobility & Daily Living Aids / Mobility Aids & Equipment
브랜드 Brand: OwnMy
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $16.99
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Overall Dimension of Wheel (Diameter x Rim Width) is 150mm x 24mm / 5.9" x 0.94", Total Wheel Width is 38mm / 1.49", Center Bearing internal diameter is 8mm / 0.3" and the length of Axle hardware is 75mm / 2.95". (PLEASE Check the detailed size on the third picture to see if it fits your wheelchair before purchasing!!)Package includes 2 x Black Front Replacement Wheels, 2 x Axles, easy and convenient to install without complicated steps, saving your effort and time.Made of high quality and environment-friendly rubber material, this set of solid replacement wheels is non-slip and dust proof with strong wear resistance and load bearing capacity.Wide application on disabled vehicles, healthcare vehicles, etc, compatible with most wheelchairs, rollators, walkers or other replacement accessories with 6" wheels.This set of front wheel replacement will provide silent, smooth and light rolling over all surfaces, suitable for indoor and outdoor use, labor-saving, practical and long term to use.
Choosing this set of 6 Inch Rubber Wheel Replacement for Wheelchairs, Rollators, Walkers and replace them easily and conveniently by yourself! Specification: Material: Solid Rubber Color: Black Overall Dimension of Wheel (Diameter x Width): 150mm x 24mm / 5.9" x 0.94" Internal Diameter of Center Bearing: 8mm / 0.3" Distance Between Bearings on Both Sides: 38mm / 1.49" Length of Axle Screws: 75mm / 2.95" Total Weight: 700g Package Includes: 2 x Black 6 Inch Front Replacement Wheels 2 x Axles Screws

2024-09-06 10:55:29

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