해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Collapsible Folding Wagon, Heavy Duty Utility Beach Wagon Cart with Side Pocket and Brakes, Large Capacity Foldable Grocery Wagon for Garden Sports Outdoor Use, S1

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상품가격 $99.99
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Navatiee Wagon S1 is roundly upgraded to provide an efficient and simple solution for daily use. The upgraded S1 features 360° rotating front wheels with brakes and a surprise side pocket. You\'ll have nothing to fear. We are confident in our roundly upgraded wagon S1, which makes it be your lifesaver.【Heavy Duty Folding Wagon】: Made of heavy duty alloy steel frame, the structure welded is absolutely solid and durable. The surface of the metal frame is anti-oxidation and corrosion-resistant, and it will not fade and rust when used outdoors for a long time. The internal volume is bigger than other wagons overall, the unfold size is 32.7" x 18.1" x 20.9". The load capacity is up to 220lbs (100kg), which can be effectively transported with high load.【Built in Double Bearings】: The design of double bearing brings a max loading capacity and safety to save time and labour. It rolls smoothly enough to keep its contents intact over mud, grass, bumps, and curbs. Besides, The premium wagon wheels are made of superior PVC with strong abrasion resistance, silent shock absorber, wear-proof, no drag marks and enhance the impact resistance of the whole caster.【Compact Folding Design】: Considering outdoor use and space-saving storage, we adopt a drawstring folding design for easy folding to further reduce storage volume. Besides, Navatiee will give you way more loading capacity than others and the big side pockets offer some additional carrying capacity. To achieve the use of a variety of occasions. This spacious and well-crafted station wagon will be with you for a long time.【Superior Material & Easy to Use】: Everyone would like to get a wagon featuring larger capacity, high quality and portability, our wagon could meet all your needs and be your best choice. The fabric material is made of 600D fabric and PVC coating to waterproof and durability. Unique frame structure design is for Sets up in seconds, no assembly required. The fold size is 21.7" x 11.4" x 8.7", which is easy to operate and transport.【Must-have for Our Daily Life】: You are handy for lugging a load of groceries home from the store, hauling equipment to playing fields to help you simplify the transport of heavy loads through lightly pulling indispensable for your daily life, and decreasing your transportation burden. It also is suitable for family outings, gardening, outdoor concerts and movies, and sporting events or anywhere you want, which can be a simple and portable way to transport tools.

2024-06-06 08:37:41

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