해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
FOVPLUE Windshield Bag, Three-Pocket Batwing Fairing Pouch for Harley Electra Glide Street Glide Trike FLHTCU/I FLHTCUTG FLHXXX FLHX/I FLHTK FLHT/I FLHTC/I FLHTC 1996-2013, Black

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상품가격 $49.99
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[Product Name] FOVPLUE Brand New Black Windshield Bag Fairing storage Bag Three-Pocket Batwing Fairing Pouch for Harley Electra Glide Street Glide Trike FLHTCU FLHTCUI FLHTCUTG FLHXXX FLHX FLHXI FLHTK FLHT FLHTI FLHTC FLHTCI FLHTC 1996-2013;[Dimensions]21.25" L x 2.95" W x 5.11" H[Rigid construction holds bag shape even when empty]Quarter turn flap releases accept mini-padlocks so you can secure your belongings in the bag;[Practicaly ] Left-hand pouch can be easily removed to accommodate your fairing-mounted GPS unit;[Material] Leather-grained UV and weather-resistant[Convenient storage space at your fingertips] A Windshield bag features large opening flaps that can provide a convenient place to store small items such as sunglasses, a wallet, or a phone, within easy reach while riding. This can help to keep your items organized and easily accessible;[Protection from the elements] A windshield bag can help to protect your items from the elements such as rain, dust, and wind. This can be especially important if you\'re traveling long distances or through various weather conditions;[Easy installation] Easy to install and can be attached to your windshield without any special tools;[Our Goal is 100% Customer Satisfaction ] At FOVPLUE, our goal is 100% customer satisfaction. We take pride in providing exceptional customer service and free technical support. In the event you have a problem with your order, please contact our knowledgeable customer service team or our technical support experts to resolve your issue;

2024-09-05 04:08:04

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