해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Alpinestars Fusion One Piece Suit (56) (Black/White)

상품번호 B09DDFLMR9
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상품가격 $995.07
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Alpinestars new technical reference 1pc racing leather suit, the Fusion Leather Suit is Tech-Air ready and offers superior freedom of movement and high level of ventilation through the development of innovative new materials: RIDEKNIT stretch paneling and MATRYX ultra abrasion resistant and highly breathable zones.Race fit � highly pre-curved body, arms and knees for enhanced performance.Premium bovine racing grade� leather with dual layers in seat area for superior abrasion resistance.DFS armor delivers optimal resistance against impacts and abrasion, and offers exceptional friction control.Internal Race spec GP-R armor is soft for comfort and delivers extended coverage for additional protection in key zones.
Apparel Material: Leather Gender: Mens/Unisex Color: Black/White Size: 56 Market Color: Black/White Primary Color: Black Alpinestars new technical reference 1pc racing leather suit, the Fusion Leather Suit is Tech-Air ready and offers superior freedom of movement and high level of ventilation through the development of innovative new materials: RIDEKNIT stretch paneling and MATRYX ultra abrasion resistant and highly breathable zones.. Race fit � highly pre-curved body, arms and knees for enhanced performance.. Premium bovine racing grade� leather with dual layers in seat area for superior abrasion resistance.. DFS armor delivers optimal resistance against impacts and abrasion, and offers exceptional friction control.. Internal Race spec GP-R armor is soft for comfort and delivers extended coverage for additional protection in key zones.. Bio-Flex Race hip armor for optimal resistance against impacts.. Chest compartments can accommodate the Nucleon chest inserts (available as an accessory upgrade).. Snap connection system allows integration of the CE-certified Nucleon Race back protector.. Calf RIDEKNIT stretch paneling perfectly adapts to different calf shapes and muscle movements.. Knitted collar for rider comfort.. Zippered detachable comfort liner with Polygiene BiostaticTM Stays Fresh Technology treatment for convenience.. Reflective details.. According to European statutory law the CE mark is a conformity requirement for the marketing of this product. The following standards apply: Fully CE-certified riding garment to CE-Category II prEN17092 standards-AAA class..

2024-11-29 10:01:49

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