해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Gaming Headset for Ps5, Ps4, PC with 7.1 Surround Sound, Gaming Headphones with Noise Cancelling Flexible Mic RGB Light Memory Earmuffs for Xbox Series X/S, PC, Mac, Laptop, Phone

상품번호 B09DPR2LZW
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상품가격 $20.99
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?All-day Comfort: Our pc gaming headset ever only at 240 grams. Equipped with the premium protein leather memory foam earcups and super soft head beam. The stretchable headband according to the Ergonomic design allows you to find the perfect fit without restrictions, suitable for all gamers of any age.?7.1 Surrounding Stereo Subwoofer: Our gaming headset provide clear 7.1 surrounding sound with deep bass, it allows you to quickly lock the enemy direction and position in an immersive 360 degree sound field, and win the victory quickly.?Noise Cancelling Microphone: Our gaming headset is equipped with upgraded noise cancellng onmi-directional microphone, which can transmits clean and clearer communication and effectively reduce background noise. Easily to switch Mic mute ON/OFF.?Multi-Platform Compatibility: Our gaming headphones support perfectly Ps5, Ps4, Xbox Series X/S, PC, Switch, Laptop, Mac via the universal 3.5mm wired connection. (Please note you need an extra Microsoft Adapter (Not Included) when connect with an old version Xbox One controller.?Strict Quality Inspection & Friendly Customer Service: Each xbox gaming headset comes with professional after-service. please feel free to contact us if you have any questionsNote 1: When you use headset on your PC, be sure to connect the "1-to-2 3.5mm audio jack splitter cable" (Red-Mic, Green-audio).

2024-09-05 19:20:35

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