해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl - Xbox Series X

상품번호 B09F1D1WXJ
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Video Games / Xbox Series X & S
브랜드 Brand: Deep Silver
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $59.99
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Discover legendary S.T.A.L.K.E.R. universe and experience - Unique gameplay built on a blend of FPS, horror and immersive simNon-linear story with the variety of paths that lead to one of the several endings - Benchmark-setting graphics developed using cutting-edge photogrammetric and scanning technologiesTrue next-gen graphics developed using cutting-edge photogrammetric and scanning technologies - Advanced artificial intelligence systems that will keep engaged even the most hard-boiled playersLife-simulating system “A-life 2.0” that makes the game world feel alive as never before - Immersive survival mechanics like hunger, sleeping, bleeding, radiation effects that enrich the gameplayDynamic day-night cycle and weather will add even more realism to the gameplay experience - Mod support giving the freedom to the creative players to extend and enrich the game universe. Exclusive Pre-order Bonus: - Extended Campfire Content - \'The Veteran\' Unique Weapon - \'The Tourist\' Unique Armor - ‘Early Bird’ Exclusive Backpack
Discover the vast Chornobyl Exclusion Zone full of dangerous enemies, deadly anomalies and powerful artifacts. Unveil your own epic story as you make your way to the Heart of Chornobyl. Choose your paths wisely, as they will determine your fate in the end. Make your choices wisely, as they will not only define your own epic story, but also shape the future of the humankind. Discover the ever-changing Chornobyl Exclusion Zone full of dangerous mutants, warring factions, deadly anomalies and artifacts of unbelievable value. Meet members of different factions deciding who of them worth your friendship and who deserve a bullet. Engage in intense gunfights with a variety enemies that follow different tactics trying to outsmart you. Choose your preferable firearms from 30+ types of weapons with numerous modifications that allow creating hundreds of distinctive lethal combinations.

2024-10-31 17:54:30

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