해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Color Sense 100% Cotton Navy Full Sheet Set, Percale Weave Cotton Full Size Sheets, Breathable & Comfortable Bedding Set, Cool & Crisp 16" Deep Pocket Full Bed Sheets Set Navy

상품번호 B09FQ1TR5P
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상품가격 34.99
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Pure Cotton, Exceptional Quality: Our 100% cotton sheets for ful bed feature a classic percale weave that’s cool, crisp, and feels smooth against the skin so you never lose a wink of sleep to anything, making them an ideal options for dorm bedding.Slip into Ultimate Comfort: Woven from the finest 100% cotton fibers, our percale bedsheets keep you cozy all night long. Certified by STANDARD 100 by OEKO Tex, our sheets and pillowcases are bound to give you the touch of comfort like none other.Perfect Fit for Your Mattress: The advanced deep pocket fitted sheet is fully elasticized to fit mattresses up to 16 inches, allowing for a snug-fit assembly even with varying depths of mattresses. It also features a "Smart Head/Foot Tag" to indicate which side it belongs to for ease of useWhat’s in the Set: Our full bedsheet set includes 1 flat sheet (82 inches wide x 96 inches long), 1 fitted sheet (54 inches wide x 75 inches long), and 2 standard pillowcases (20 inches wide x 30 inches long) to best suit your requirements.Wash Care Instructions: Our cooling sheets, crafted with a percale weave, are known for their remarkable durability and exceptional comfort. They are conveniently machine washable, maintaining their color and growing softer with every wash. However, to keep wrinkles at bay, promptly remove the sheets and pillowcases from the dryer or iron them. Easy care bedding for busy lifestyles.

2024-11-01 07:37:33

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