해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Namalu Bed Sore Cushions for Butt Inflatable Bed Sore Pads Nursing Bed Pad to Prevent Bed Sores for Elderly Bedridden Disabled, Breathable and Comfort for Pain Relife (Black)

상품번호 B09G9KZWJ3
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상품가격 $15.99
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the Packaging Includes: you will get 1 piece of bed sore cushion and 1 piece of pump, which are easy to inflate, and effectively reduce the pain of patients who are bedsore, bringing you a comfortable seating experienceReliable Material: the nursing bed pad to prevent bed sores is made of PVC Oxford cloth, which is breathable, soft, safe and easy to inflate, anti bedsore, and can also be widely satisfied with the needs of sedentary, such as office, school, wheelchair, home or nursing centerDelicate Design: according to the needs of different parts of the patient, the inflatable air cushion under the corresponding parts, the transfer of site pressure, can well reduce the pain of patients, and meet the sore relieved requirementsFixed: the inflatable bed sore pad is designed with 4 loops, which can be fixed in the chair to prevent displacement and shedding, and can also be applied as a bedsore when the use of gaskets; External overall compression weight shall not exceed 100 kgEasy to Clean: bed sore pain relief pad comes with a hand pump, and are easy to inflate, waterproof and easy to clean; You can clean it with a damp cloth, do not use a washing machine and use it for a long time; If the air cushion is not applied for a long time, the gas can be released, clean and clean, and collected for use

2024-02-13 21:36:04

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