해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Upper ball joint spacers - 30 mm with camber correction shims and Ball Joints for Hyundai Terracan with Suspension Lift | Front Suspension Tuning Set

상품번호 B09GH6JNP1
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상품구분 Automotive / Replacement Parts
브랜드 Brand: Truh.pl
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $175.00
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The price includes a set: 2 spacers + 6 screws + 6 nuts + 12 washers + 2 ball joints. The total height of the spacer: 30 mm, working height: 25 mmThe spacer is made of PA6 aluminum in a version without a cover layer. The spacers are mounted in the mounting holes, the set includes 2 spacers (one on each side), M8 screws with nut with a hardness of 10.9Wheel angle adjustment plates are made of steel in a design without top layer. The set contains: 4 adjustment plates 5 mm, 4 adjustment plates 3 mm, 4 adjustment plates 2 mm, 4 screws M12x80 - hardness class 10.9, 4 nuts M12 - hardness class 10, 8 washers, 4 spring washers (not available if self-locking Nuts are used)All elements we present on powered by Beskidzkie4x4 are constantly tested in our vehicles under difficult or extreme off-road conditionsWe are an expert in our industry. We guarantee the best quality and professionalism. We ensure better driving comfort
The models the product fits can be found in the attached photos. If you are not sure whether the product fits your car, please contact us. We are happy to help. In our other listing you will find other kits for other models. Our kits – control arm spacers – significantly improve driving comfort and the range of suspension work after lifting. Control arm spacers increase the distance between other parts of the suspension - this results in a better suspension effect. This makes the suspension soft and comfortable. Many companies and individuals have trusted us. Professionalism and highest quality are guaranteed with us. Spacers are part of the tuning of an off-road vehicle. When assembling the item, the buyer declares that they do this at their own risk and will not make any future claims against the manufacturer and/or distributor of the product. When purchasing, the buyer confirms that they have the necessary knowledge to assess the strength of the elements required for proper functioning of the spacers in the selected application.

2024-11-29 19:37:57

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