해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Retrospec Retrospec Zephyr Ski Helmet & Snowboard Helmet

상품번호 B09GKZ67GL
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상품가격 $26.99
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PREMIUM PROTECTION: Keep your head covered in this Retrospec helmet as you carve the mountain on your skis or snowboard. Fully formed ABS outer shell with high quality EPS foam to ensure safety on impact.BREATHABLE DESIGN: The Zephyr has 9 vents for ultimate temperature regulation. Our BreezeBar technology allows you to customize the airflow in your helmet with a low-profile glove-friendly lever.ADJUSTABLE FIT: The adjustable ErgoKnob dial to perfectly customize your fit. Tighten it up and remove plush earmuffs for warmer days or loosen it if you need to toss a beanie underneath on chillier descents.UPGRADED FEATURES: The new and improved goggle clip is more secure and reliable so you can focus on the slopes. Keep your sights set on the mountain and let Retrospec do the rest.SIZING: To determine the correct helmet size, wrap a measuring tape around your head. The tape should rest just above your ears and remain level around the circumference of your head. Small: 52-55.5 cm, Medium: 55.5-59 cm, Large: 59-62.5 cm
Keep warm in the coldest winter weather, and stay cool when exploring in spring snow, all while staying safe on the slopes. This ski helmet features an adjustable ventilation system and removable earmuffs that allow you to customize your airflow and easily transform your helmet to suit the weather conditions you’re shredding in. Open or close the top 4 helmet vents with BreezeBar’s glove-friendly lever for the perfect amount of airflow every time. The earmuffs are also removable for easy cleaning (hand wash only), or keep them out for an even breezier descent. Paired with a super protective yet lightweight, fully formed ABS outer shell, high quality, impact-absorbing EPS interior foam padding, and a thoughtful, stylish design, this ski helmet is a must-have for long days on the mountain.

2024-07-11 11:08:36

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