해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Gregory Baltoro 75 Backpacking Backpack,Alaska Blue,Medium

상품번호 B09GX2993D
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상품가격 $359.95
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Say we\'re traveling abroad for our backpacking trip. We\'re going to need some extra space for everything from traveling clothes to hiking clothes, warm layers and gear, and a good pair of camp shoes so we\'re not always stuck in our sweaty walking boots. The Baltoro 75L Backpack provides all the space we need to make it happen. This pack gives us ample storage space without sacrificing comfort for our multi-day trek. Because it\'s a bigger pack, Gregory adds an aluminum frame to stay stable and supported from the minute we step out of our hostel to the second we snuggle into our sleeping bag at the end of the night. Gregory\'s Response Auto Angle Adjust suspension system moves the LifeSpan EVA shoulder straps up and down the 3D AirMesh back panel for a customized feel that shapes to our back, and specific storage spaces for sleeping bags, poles, sunglasses, and electronics keep us organized from the first day to the last.

2024-10-03 04:14:04

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