해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
JOAH Brow Down To Me Dual Brow Pencil and Gel for Flawless Brows, Black Brown

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상품가격 $10.99
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Dual Brow Pencil and Gel: This 2-in-1 eyebrow pencil and gel features a triangular tip pencil that outlines and fills brows with precision. The tinted gel will volumize brows, intensify brow color or hide greys for flawless brows kept neatly in placeLong-Lasting Vegan Formula: Draw natural hair-like strokes with the smudge-free pencil hold eyebrows in place all day with the lightweight, water-resistant gel formula to hold brows in place all day. Perfect eyebrow grooming duo available in 6 shadesComplete Guide to the Perfect Eye: From sculpted eyebrows to voluminous lashes, our eye makeup line offers high-end products that allow you to create your perfect look, with favorites like mascaras, eyeshadows, brow pencils, gels, primers and more!More to Explore From JOAH: Our Korean makeup is created to outperform even the best prestige cosmetic and skin products. Try our full cosmetics and skin care range from eyeliners, lipsticks, foundations through to our skin treatments with premium ingredients.I Like It Like That: JOAH means, “I Like It” in Korean, because we create our beauty with everything you like in mind; Our effortless Korean Beauty products are cruelty-free, crafted with only good-for-you ingredients and high-quality without the high price tag.
All you need in one brow product! 2-in-1 dual ended brow pencil and gel features a triangular tip that outlines and fills brows with precision, and a "browscara" you brush on to plump, hide grays, intensify brow color, and keep brows brushed up and neatly in place, all day. JOAH means, “I Like It” in Korean, because we create our beauty with everything you like in mind. Our effortless products are cruelty free, crafted with only good-for-you ingredients and high-quality without the high price tag. We are a Korean-American brand obsessed with bringing you easy-to-use products made with only safe-for-you ingredients, so you can conquer any look. JOAH - I Like It Like That.

2024-04-04 20:20:51

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