해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
[Ultra Durable] BlueStars 8540101 Washer Belt Standard Size 0.55 Inches Wide 48 Inches Long - Compatible with Whirpool & Kenmore Washers - Replaces AP6013037, 8540101, 8540348

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상품가격 $13.99
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✅ COMPATIBILITY: Perfect fit for Whirlpool IFW7300WW00, WFW8200TW00, MWFW8500SR02, MWFW8300SW0; Maytag NFW7300WW00, etc. If you are unclear about its compatibility with your washer model, please let us know. We are happy to help 24/7, 365.✅ PREMIUM QUALITY: The replacement part is made of durable high-quality rubber and well-tested by the manufacturer - Ensures a long-lasting and effective performance. The 8540101 Washer Belt is 0.55 inch wide and 48 inches long, features 6 ribs and 5 grooves.✅ EASY TO INSTALL: It is made exactly fit for most top name brands (Whirlpool, Kenmore, Inglis, Amana, Maytag) and replaces part numbers: WP8540101, 8540348, AP6013037, PS11746258. You might find the belt rather tight at first. All you do is tie 2 zip ties around the belt and the main big drum pulley. Line grooves of belt aligned with grooves of motor shaft below the main drum. The belt will stretch.✅ SAVE TIME AND SAVE MONEY: Inexpensive way to fix or repair a washer. This part fixes the following symptoms: Pumps but will not spin | Noisy | Will not agitate | Spins slowly.✅ ???% ???????? ????????: Customer satisfaction is our priority. If for any reason you\'re not completely satisfied, we will compensate you and offer extra benefits to ensure your rights. Buy with confidence!

2024-05-14 17:30:56

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