해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Mamaway Postpartum Belly Band, C-section Belly Binder, Girdle for Postnatal, Adjustable Belly Wrap, Abdominal Support, Back Pain Relief (Polyester Made with Bamboo Charcoal Fiber)

상품번호 B09HKG5NP5
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상품가격 71.96
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ADJUSTABLE & STRETCHABLE: Easy to put on and adjust the fit and compression level by yourself. It is attached with two stretchable belt velcros for double compression.The chosen size provides lasting support throughout the entire recovery process, eliminating concerns about needing a different size after weight loss.NEVER TOO BIG: Our Belly Band will fit every curve of you body. The resilient and flexible material provides support without discomfort, moving with your body\'s twists and turns.If you get a slightly bigger size the larger overlap area will provide you with more compression. Non-Slip, non-roll up, non-shrink.Please follow the instruction for best usage.ACCELERATES POSTPARTUM RECOVERY: After giving birth, the space in the uterus remains, and abdominal muscles separation needs to be repaired. Our extra-wide belly band gives you complete abdominal coverage to restore the waist, hips, and loose skin. Apply extra compression by crossing the two stretchable belt velcros above the uterus to imitate the effect of fundal massage and assist the uterus in contract back down to its usual size.STABILIZE TO RELIEF: Designed to be worn right after vaginal birth and C-section delivery. The bone-free design not only allows you to have a good slumber time but also provides a pleasant and safe compression to stabilize the abdomen, C-section incision, and minimize associated pain, which allows greater mobility post-surgery.SKIN FRIENDLY & BREATHABLE: With polyester derived from bamboo charcoal fiber and mesh weave structure, women can stay cool and dry while being supported in any season with no irritations and discomfort on the skin.MATERIAL: 52% Nylon, 34% Polyester (derived from bamboo charcoal fiber ), 13% Rubber, 1% SpandexCARING: Cold hand wash/Do not soak, bleach, tumble dry/ Line dry in shade. Imported from Taiwan.??NOTE: Please make sure to measure your abdominal size and select your size base on the size chart before purchasing. If you are not sure which size you should select, feel free to leave us your measurement data as a customer question or directly contact us through Amazon messages; we are willing to suggest the fittest size for you.

2024-11-27 13:59:04

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