해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Biotin Gummies for Hair, Skin, and Nails 5,000mcg - Hair Growth Gummies, Healthy Skin Glow, Strong Healthy Nail Growth - Vegan, Gluten Free, Gelatin Free, GMO Free - Tasty Chewable Raspberry Flavor

상품번호 B09HSRPYS5
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상품구분 Health & Household / Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements
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상품가격 $17.08
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120 GUMMIES | 2 MONTH SUPPLY - Made with 5,000mcg of Biotin also known as Vitamin A, B7, and Vitamin H - Based on the serving size of 2 gummies. For best results, take 2-4 gummies daily.DELICIOUS & FLAVORFUL - Our raspberry flavored gummies are the quickest way to get your daily dose of much-needed nutrition.KOSHER CERTIFIED - Produced and formulated to a higher standard.HEALTHY HAIR GROWTH, SKIN & NAILS - Our high potency biotin gummies for hair skin and nails deliver the perfect combination to help boost your hair growth, beautiful skin, and healthy nails. Viteey\'s biotin vitamin ingredients are perfectly combined for adults and teens. Easy & convenient to take at home or on the go.SOURCED FROM ALL NATURAL INGREDIENTS - Viteey\'s Biotin Gummies are peanut-free, tree nut-free, non-GMO, gluten-free, gelatin-free, and vegan. Each gummy contains naturally sourced colors and flavors.VITEEY BRAND STANDARDS - We take pride in creating premium products from start to finish. Every item is carefully sourced, formulated, and manufactured to meet the highest quality standards. To ensure each serving is just right, we put our products through rigorous lab testing during every production. This guarantees that you receive products of utmost purity and effectiveness. Rely on us for offerings that are both dependable and of superior quality.

2024-05-16 21:26:58

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