해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Travel Tray, Car Seat Organizer Toddler with Dry Erase Board Car Lap Desk Table with iPad Holder, Storage Pocket, Kids Active Eating Tray for Road Trip, Airplane, Stroller, Black

상품번호 B09HTPDN6L
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상품가격 $21.99
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2 In 1 Kids Travel Tray: The Kids Travel Tray for Car Seat is dual use, it can be used as a car seat tray or car backseat organizer. Whether your child uses any of these uses, it will liberate them from boring road driving and have endless fun. Your boy or girl can draw, watch or eat when you are driving, parents can focus on driving, make the road trip safer and happierStable Ipad Holder: Whether it is used as a kids travel tray for car seat or a car backseat storage, it is equipped with a large iPad & Tablet holder stand(11 inch*7.5 inch). We have improved the part of the holder stand with high reinforcement. When your kid uses it, you do not need to worry about your iPad or tablet falling down. It is a good choice of kids travel tray for car seatand toddler travel activities essentialsEntertaining Activity Tray: The gift includes 3 different drawing papers with graphics, letters and animals. Kids could draw with dry erase markers anytime on the dry erase table top, it easily wiped by eraser or tissue. The kids travel tray for car seat is a good partnership to take out your boy or girl from boring road trip driving timeClean And Tidy Car Backseat: The car seat tray for kids travel is 16.5*11.5*9 inch, with 1 cooler cup holder, multiple pencil holders and 1 removable/collapsible storage compartment. You will have more room to store kids\' toys, crayons or snacks. And the tray table top is waterproof and easily cleanSafe Material: This car seat tray for kids travel is made of odorless materials which have been rigorously tested and certified. It is an excellent gift for big kids (Birthday, Christmas or New Year gift). Children can easily carry it via the adjustable strap on road trips, airplanes, trains, travel or strollers

2024-10-31 20:38:53

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