해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Men's Gabardine Matt Neckties Solid Color for Tuxedo Classic Design, by Bow Tie Hosue

상품번호 B09J6MDPZS
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Men
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상품가격 $14.96
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Men\'s Ties are available in 3 different sizes: slim/skinny (2.35""/6 cm), standard (2.75""/7 cm) and wide (3.35""/8.5 cm). You can choose the perfect size and color (Black, Navy Blue, Reddish Rust, Grey Fog, Yellow, White, Royal Blue, Avalon Teal, Light Blue, Hot Pink, Dark Red, Red, Sea Green, Green Grass, Rose Quartz, Fire Red, Forest Green, Champagne Beige, Orange, Truffle Brown, Dark Olive, Coral, Mint, David\'s Chianti, Sage Green), that you want to emphasize yourself. Giving an elegant touch to any outfit. Look no further than our solid color men\'s ties. With three different width options, you\'re sure to find the perfect tie for your style. These high-quality gabardine neckties will keep their shape after many years of use and can be easily cleaned by wet wipes or hand washing with mild soap and water. You can also add a touch of personality with one of our premium plaid suspenders for men that are also available in different colors: Black, Black and Grey, Cloud Grey, Navy Blue, Burgundy, Black, and Red. If you are looking for a perfect gift for your father, husband, boyfriend, or colleague then this is the right place! We offer you high-quality ties that will look amazing on any man. You can hand wash them or machine washes them without worrying about ruining them. They are wrinkle-resistant which means you don\'t have to iron them after washing. Whether you are looking for a perfect gift for your dad, husband, brother, or boyfriend; Or seeking a reliable supplier of high-quality neckties to add more colors to your wardrobe; Our ties will suit you perfectly no matter what the occasion is! These ties feel substantial and luxurious in your hand. They look great on any man, whether he is wearing them with a business suit or casual jeans. You can wear these solid-colored ties with anything. Plus, we include instructions on how to tie it in a variety of ways so you can always look your best. Order yours today!

2024-10-02 19:45:22

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