해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Havnby Camping Mattress for Tesla Model Y/X CertiPUR Memory Foam Mattress, Storage Bag & Sheet Provided, Portable, Space Saver, in Car Sleeping, Twin Size

상품번호 B09J8MVRN1
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상품가격 $239.00
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VERSATILE USAGE- the car camping mattress designed for Tesla model Y. Great for boondocking, road trips, and car camping. It’s super easy to set up and pack, and much more convenient than an air mattress. The Perfect Gift for Outdoor Enthusiasts. (Please note that the contoured part designed based on model Y’s trunk floor shape so it fits Y 100%, X 90%.)READY IN SECONDS- just tear off the Velcro-cloth and roll out. Skip the bulky inflatable air mattresses and uncomfortable sleeping bags. Easy set up and pack. Also, the mattress sheet and carrying bags are provided.PREMIUM MATERIAL- 2.4” memory foam, soft while supportive; covered by short plush cover. Unlike inflatable mattress, the memory foam mattress gives you a home-like bed feeling for all of your adventures & trips.FITS SUBTRUNK/FRUNK- foldable in the storage bag, easy to pack and fit the sub-trunk or frunk, very space-saving compared to traditional roll-up mattress. (Please note that the size of sub trunk is not exactly the same for different model of Tesla.)COMPACT SIZE- 73"*41.3"*2.4"; best use up to 180 lbs. The car mattress is designed to be foldable to put it into sub-trunk/frunk. An easy short nap in car will regain your energy, health and mobility.

2024-09-06 13:03:19

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