해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ESD-Dissipative Mat Kit - Heat Resistant, Two Layer Natural Rubber - with a Grounding Cable (2ft x 2ft, True Green)

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상품구분 Industrial & Scientific / Occupational Health & Safety Products
브랜드 Brand: Generic
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $54.00
상품가격 상세보기

ESD Mats meet the ESD work surface requirements of ANSI/ESD S20.20 and recommendation of ESD S4.1.Grounding Cable meets or exceeds requirements of ANSI ESD-S20.20 and ANSI/ESD S-6.1.Static dissipative materials are able to conduct electricity, but do so very slowly. Any built-up static charges dissipate without sudden discharge that can harm the internal structure of silicon circuits.Grounding: this material must be properly grounded for optimum electrical performance.Comes with 10mm snaps.
The top layer is dissipative (0.5mm thick) and the bottom layer is conductive (1.5mm thick). Resistively of Surface Layer (10 7~10 9 ohms) Resistivity of Bottom Layer (10 3~10 5 ohms, rattler loss <0.02g/cm2) Time for Static Dissipation (<0.5S) Heat Resistance (600oF, 10 sec no smell, no melt) What is ESD? Static, formally referred to as electrostatic charge, arises from excess of electrons on one surface and a deficiency on the other. The imbalance of electrons thus causes an electrical field that is capable of influencing other objects at a distance. The charge will remain in place unless it has a path through which it can flow. It may remain in place for some time and this gives rise to the term "static electricity". The word static simply means the charge cannot be equalized or transferred through electromotive force until there is a decrease in the capacitance between two objects. Protection against ESD is required during production, storage, and shipping stages of sensitive electronic components. ESD can damage or cause defects in electronic products, electronic component such as Surface Mount Device components and failure in Printed Circuit Boards. ESD-Safety and protection is required across a broad range of industries including electronics, automotive, biotech and pharmaceutical, medical devices, and semiconductors. Damage from ESD during mobile phone repairing is very common.

2024-09-06 04:07:53

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