해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Vgo... 1Pair Age 2-5 -20℃/-4°F or Above Warm Ski Gloves,Winter Snow Gloves,Outdoor Gloves,3M Thinsulate Waterproof Gloves

상품번호 B09JZ54VFC
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상품가격 $27.98
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MULTI-PURPOSE GLOVES - Practical and suitable for most cold indoor and winter outdoor activities, such as skiing, snowboarding, shoveling, cycling, mountain biking, hiking, running, kayaking, fishing, sliding, ice-fishing, traveling, etc. Providing your children a warm hand-feelingCOLDPROOF & WATERPROOF & BREATHABLE - 6-layer structure for coldproof down to -20℃/-4°F. The TPU waterproof membrane along with the 3M Thinsulate insulation G150 lining with superior warmth is moisture-wicking and breathable, keep your hands warm but sweat-free while you are working or doing sports in cold weather or cold condition. The adjustable buckle wrist strap and the drawstring for extra protection to keep the wind, rain & snow out and prevent gloves from falling off.WATER REPELLENT, DURABLE & ANTI-SLIP MATERIAL - Water repellent talson fabric back and fourchettes provide exceptional dexterity. Reinforced & textured synthetic leather patch palm is extremely durable and flexible, protects your hands against abrasions and increases your grip on your ski poles, shovel, or your snowmobile, etcERGONOMIC FIT & TOUCHSCREEN COMPATIBLE - 45° angle cut at the finger junctions and pre-curved fingers ensure a tailored fit with amazing flexibility, breathability & comfort. Touchscreen capable thumb, index & middle fingertips for smartphone controlMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTION -Machine washable. No exposure to direct sunlight, stored in a ventilated and dry place, no contact with alkaline substances. Keep away from corrosive material, fire and heat sources to avoid deformation issue

2024-04-04 18:25:30

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