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Bluejay Baby Piano Mat, Musical Keyboard Learning Toys with 26 Letters, Electronic Music Animal Touch Play Mat Toddler Toys Gifts for Boys and Girls 1 2 3 Year Old

상품번호 B09K567TVM
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상품가격 $26.99
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[Multifunctional Musical Mat] Kids can learn to play 6 different instruments, such as piano, violin, guitar, and accordion by 14 keyboard music mat. The floor dance mat has a record playback function, learning keys, and 14 pieces of music. Kids will enjoy playing the piano, creating fun and exciting music while dancing to the beat.[Kid’s Early Education Toys] The 26 letters are composed of cute animal images with bright colors. As long as kids press a random letter, music pad will play the corresponding letter + word + corresponding animal call. While cultivating kid\'s interest in music, they can also learn languages.[Upgraded Music Mat] The size of the baby piano toy is 27.56" x 39.37". The large piano mat is more non-slip, which can further ensure the safety of children when playing. This baby toy comes with 3 AA batteries, which can be folded for storage and is easy to carry. You can enjoy the electronic music mat with your children outdoors or indoors.[Safety & Intelligence] This toddler toy is made of safe and non-toxic materials, and it feels comfortable and soft, does not hurt the baby\'s hands and feet. Suitable for early exercises of children, improve hand and foot coordination and cultivate creativity. It will automatically sleep after being idle for 1 minute. You need to press the ON/OFF button to restart![Best Toy Gift for Kids] Music can promote children\'s cognitive ability, memory and creativity, and musical toys play a role in musical enlightenment and cultivate their concentration and learning ability. In addition, this baby learning toy is beautifully packaged, making it an ideal gift for baby, boys, girls birthdays, Christmas, and other holidays.

2024-07-11 12:24:59

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