해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
NiSi 72mm SWIFT True Color ND-VARIO - Variable Neutral Density Filter 1-5 Stops (ND2-ND32) - Rotating Adjustable ND, Compatible with NiSi SWIFT System Filters - Optical Glass, Waterproof Nano Coating

상품번호 B09K56NKLS
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상품가격 $179.00
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SIZING: Designed for lenses and adapters with an 72mm standard filter thread. Confirm your filter size by locating the "ø" symbol on the lens or lens cap for hassle-free compatibility.VARIABLE ND FILTER: The True Color Variable ND filter is an all-in-one filter that reduces light from 1 to 5 stops, making it perfect for shooting in various situations with shifting light conditions.SWIFT FILTER BASE: Can be used as a base holder for NiSi SWIFT filters, allowing to expand the VND effects by adding 72mm SWIFT filters (sold separately) simply by pressing them on the front.TRUE COLOR: This VND filter features our hd-quality optical glass with True Color film to produce accurate colors with no noticeable color shifting, reducing post-processing time for color correction.DESIGN: The knurled edges of the lightweight aluminum frame, removable stainless steel control handle, and markings displaying densities make for improved installation and easy density adjustments.NO VIGNETTING: A larger front filter thread (77mm) and thin frame on this filter ensures no vignetting on ultra-wide or longer telephoto lenses, making it ideal for focal lengths of 35mm and longer.NANO COATING: The NiSi Nano Coating provides a waterproof, smudge-proof, anti-reflective layer, ensuring optimal image quality, easy cleaning, and longevity of your filter investment.

2024-07-11 17:36:22

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