해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Naiveer Full Size Mattress in A Box,Memory Foam Hybrid Mattress Full Size with Innerspring,CertiPUR-US Certified, Full Mattress 10 Inch Medium Firm,Full Bed Mattress for Back Pain & Pressure Relieve

상품번호 B09KH728D2
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상품가격 $182.99
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Multi-layer 10-inch Hybrid Mattress Full: Get the best of both worlds with a combination of pocketed coils and memory foam. Our innovative hybrid design provides precise support where you need it most. Individually wrapped coils minimize the sensation of movement, providing a restful sleep all night long. 3-layer foam including CertiPUR-US certified memory foam, humidity-free foam, and supportive high-density foam for ultra-responsive body contouring, zoned-support, and cool sleep.The Upgrade Sleep You Deserve: The Naiveer full mattress features a premium plush top cover that is designed for quality and comfort for your best night’s sleep. Our mattress with anti-pilling 320g knitted fabric cover, available in twin size / full size/queen size/king size is designed to be the most heat-absorbing material you have ever experienced.Better Details Provide Better Sleep: Full size mattress side is designed with foam and double-edge support for durability. Just Experiencing more sleeping area, and a better seating edge when you get out of bed with this reinforced coil border on the perimeter of the mattress. The level of this full bed mattress is medium firm which is the most popular level when choosing a mattress.Suits All Sleepers and Fits Any Surface: Our 10-inch full mattress fits for side, stomach, and back sleepers. No matter what position you prefer, you will find the most pressure-relieving sleeping experience than ever. It also fits most frames. Upgrading your bed by simply upgrading your mattress.Full Size mattress in A Box: Your Naiveer Hybrid mattress is conveniently packaged as a ready-to-ship Mattress-in-a-Box. We offer a 100-night trial and 10-year limited warranty. If you have any questions regarding your mattress, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will do our best to assist you with that.

2024-05-15 08:14:28

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