해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
38323 (For 5.7L/6.4L) Drive Belt Tensioner Pulley Assembly Fit For 05-21 Chrysler 300/08-21 Do-dge Challenger Charger/Ram 1500 2500 3500/05-20 Je-ep Grand Cherokee [# 4593817AB]

상품번호 B09LCMN4H4
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Automotive / Replacement Parts
브랜드 Brand: TUCAREST
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $32.52
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Premium Quality:Made following stringent OE specifications by an OE manufacturer.Each tensioner undergo strict quality control not just before shipping but throughout the production process.During each step of production multiple quality control checks are performed to ensure a long,Trouble-free service life.Perfect Fit:Engineered and tested to match the fit,function and performance of the original tensioner on specified vehicles.It ensures proper belt tension, alignment, and damping for superior performance.Easy to install by direct replacement.Upgraded Durability: Made from high-quality materials for ultimate durability.Torsional round spring design provides reliability as well as consistent tension,eliminate noisy tensioner pulley and no more belt noise.Features: Drive belt tensioner and pulley assembly - delivers power to the Ac generator, power steering pump, and air conditioning,and maintains their smooth and effective operation.With the help of vibration damping system,it increases tension and keeps the amount of energy reduced to a natural frequency for increases tensioner, belt, and accessory component life.PLEASE NOTE: Before placing the order, please check your car model in the Amazon Fitment Filter System in the top left corner,Do not count on year make and model only,please view compatability tab including the notes,or send us a message to make sure it matches exactly.
Package Includes: Qty 1 x Part # 38323 Automatic Belt Drive Tensioner and Pulley Assembly Compatible With The Following Vehicles: • Ch-rysler 2005-2010 Ch-rysler 300 2011-2021 Ch-rysler 300 [For V8 5.7L/6.4L] 2009 Aspen [For V8 5.7L Gas with Engine VIN:T] 2004-2008 Pacifica [For V6 3.5L/3.8L] 2008-2010 Town & Country [For V6 3.3L/3.8L] • Do-dge 2008-2010 Challenger 2011-2021 Challenger [For V8 5.7L/6.2L/6.4L] 2005-2008 Magnum 2006-2010 Charger 2011-2021 Charger [For V8 5.7L/6.2L/6.4L] 2009-2020 Durango [For V8 5.7L/6.4L] 2008-2010 Grand Caravan [For V6 3.3L/3.8L] 2009-2010 Ram 1500 [For V8 5.7L with Engine VIN:T] 2009-2010 Ram 2500 [For V8 5.7L with Engine VIN:T] 2009-2009 Ram 3500 [For V8 5.7L with Engine VIN:T] • Je-ep 2006-2010 Commander [For V8 5.7L] 2005-2020 Grand Cherokee [For V8 5.7L] 2006-2010 Grand Cherokee [For V8 6.1L] 2012-2020 Grand Cherokee [For V8 6.4L] 2018-2020 Grand Cherokee [For V8 6.2L] • Ram 2011-2021 Ram 1500 [For V8 5.7L] 2019-2021 Ram 1500 Classic [For V8 5.7L] 2011-2019 Ram 2500 [For V8 5.7L with Engine VIN:T] 2014-2021 Ram 2500 [For V8 6.4L] 2011-2018 Ram 3500 [For V8 5.7L] 2014-2021 Ram 3500 [For V8 6.4L] 2014-2021 Ram 4500 [For V8 6.4L] 2014-2021 Ram 5500 [For V8 6.4L] • V-W 2009-2010 Routan [For V6 3.8L] If you are not sure if the product is suitable for your car.Welcome to send us a message for inquiry.

2024-07-11 11:13:49

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