해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Rockville BLUAMP 100 Home Stereo Bluetooth Amplifier with USB/Mic Input+RCA Out

상품번호 B09LLSJ4PY
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상품가격 $74.95
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What\'s in the Box: Bluetooth Stereo Amplifier, Remote Control, Owners manual, Warranty card.Features: Rockville BLUAMP 100 Home Stereo Bluetooth Amplifier, Plays Bluetooth USB/SD/FM/Aux, 2 Mic inputs with echo for karaoke, 2-Channels (Left/Right).4 Ohms: 60 x 2 watts RMS and 250 x 2 watts peak, 8 Ohms: 45 x 2 watts RMS and 175 x 2 watts peak, Class A/B circuit with great sound quality, RCA aux inputs to connect to any audio device, Output Impedance: 4-8ohm, Total Harmonic Distortion(THD): ≤0.5%(2) 1/4" Mic inputs for Karaoke with Echo control and mic volume control, (2) sets of RCA Audio Outputs to connect to a subwoofer or another amplifier, Built in Bluetooth with 33 foot range, 2 sets of binding post speaker output terminals.Bass/Treble/Mic and Master Volume controls, FM Radio with Antenna, Built-in Cooling Fan, Built-in Pre-Amplifier with low distortion, Rear Speaker Terminals: binding post outputs for 2 speakers, LCD Display, Frequency Response (±3dB): 50 Hz- 20 KHz, Input Impedance: 10kO, Input Sensitivity: 300mV.
What\'s in the Box: Bluetooth Stereo Amplifier, Remote Control, Owners manual, Warranty card. Features: Rockville BLUAMP 100 Home Stereo Bluetooth Amplifier, Plays Bluetooth USB/SD/FM/Aux, 2 Mic inputs with echo for karaoke, 2-Channels (Left/Right). 4 Ohms: 60 x 2 watts RMS and 250 x 2 watts peak, 8 Ohms: 45 x 2 watts RMS and 175 x 2 watts peak, Class A/B circuit with great sound quality, RCA aux inputs to connect to any audio device, Output Impedance: 4-8ohm, Total Harmonic Distortion(THD): ≤0.5%, Signal-to-Noise Ratio(S/N): ≥78dBA, Bluetooth Version: 5.0, USB : Supports WAV/MP3/WMA, 115V/230V switchable, Unit weight: 6.6LBS, Unit dimensions: 10.2" x 7.8" x3.2".

2024-02-13 15:46:44

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