해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Lenovo Smart True Wireless Earbuds - Smart Switch Fast Pair - Active Noise Cancelling Earphones with Wireless Charging Case - 28 Hrs Playtime Headphones - 6 Built-in Mics - Bluetooth - White

상품번호 B09LRJDKC6
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상품가격 $96.33
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Lenovo Fast Pair enables Bluetooth pairing with any Android or Windows device quickly and easily – pairing mode activates as soon as you flip open the earbuds\' caseWith Lenovo Enhanced Multipoint, pair any two Bluetooth audio devices simultaneously, and connect the Lenovo Smart Wireless Earbuds to any combination of phone, laptop or tablet; the earphones automatically switch your audio from one device to the otherLenovo Smart Wireless Earbuds dynamically adjust noise cancellation intensity in relation to your environment with smart adaptive noise cancelling, which can reduce up to 36 dB of ambient noiseListen to your tunes or podcasts all day for up to 28 hours without plugging in once—get 7 hours on a single charge and 3 additional charges from the wireless charging caseGet the ideal listening experience either at home or on the go with an ergonomic in-ear headphones design and high-quality 11mm dynamic drivers to punch up your bass and sound pressure levels
Enjoy true wireless audio convenience, made smart, with Lenovo Smart Switch True Wireless Earbuds. Exceptionally convenient, these wireless in-ear headphones are ideal for listening to media and communicating while on the go. Simply flip open the wireless charging case, and pairing mode activates automatically on your Lenovo earbuds. With Lenovo Fast Pair, you can pair mobile devices quickly and easily with Bluetooth®, while Lenovo Enhanced Multipoint lets you switch automatically between any two paired audio devices – your phone, laptop, or tablet – automatically. Plus, the six built-in microphones let you take calls hands-free. Lenovo Smart Switch True Wireless Earbuds feature smart adaptive noise cancelling, which dynamically adjusts the noise cancellation intensity in relation to your environment so that you can stay immersed in whatever you\'re listening to even when passing through noisy areas such as subways or construction zones. These noise-cancelling headphones are small and convenient, with IPX4 water resistance, making them perfect for running and other sports, commuting, students on their way to class, business travelers, and anyone who wants clear audio and adaptive noise cancelling paired with the convenience of true wireless earbuds. Plus, these water and sweat-resistant in-ear headphones can go up to 7 hours on a single charge; you\'ll get three additional charges from the pocket-sized wireless charging case.

2024-07-10 18:08:31

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