해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
VINTEAM Phone Telescope for Beginners, 70mm Aperture 400mm Astronomical Refractor Telescope with Fully Multi-Coated Optics, Portable Tripod Phone Adapter to Observe Moon and Landscape

상품번호 B09M3LNHBN
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상품가격 $84.44
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YOUR FIRST TELESCOPE! Amateurs and beginners will enjoy the simplicity of VINTEAM Telescope, which is quick to set up, and the telescope adjustable tripod is the perfect size for both children and adult. Ideal for long-distance observing of birds, wildlife, scenery by day, and Moon and bright planets at night. It is a Good Gift for entry-level amateur astronomers and kids who love astronomy.LARGE APERTURE, PREMIUM QUALITY OPTICS. The astronomical telescope features 70mm aperture (fully coated optical glass lens) and 400mm long focal length, which provide more lights and clearer images, even beginners can get clear images. Awesome telescope for astronomers to explore stars and moon.VARIABLE HIGH MAGNIFICATION. Equipped with Two Eyepieces (H10mm and H25mm)and 3X Barlow Len, out telescope can achieve magnification of an astonishing 16X to 120X. You can freely choose different combination to enjoy the different distances. The telescope for astronomy beginners also comes with a 5x24 finder scope for locating stars easily.PORTABLE & STABILITY, ANTI-SLIP DESIGN. A Portable Bag Included is convenient to carry all the gear and accessories to your desired star-gazing location. The lightweight telescope with sturdy aluminum alloy tripod can be used in many different viewing position. The height of tripod can be adjusted from about 23 to 51 inches, fits for kids and adults use. (NOTE: suggest to put something 1-200g on the tray to enhance the stability).SHARING IN REAL TIME. Comes with a smartphone adapter, it can easily attach the phone to the telescope for you to capture the amazing images or video, and share them with your family and friends in real-time via mobile social software.

2024-05-14 17:53:09

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