해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
10 Pieces Winter Hat Beanie Scarf Touch Screen Gloves and Sock Set Slouchy Knit Skull Cap Beanies Fleece Lining Neck Warmer (Black, Gray)

상품번호 B09M899HG8
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상품가격 $19.99
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cottonImportedWarm Combination: the package comes with 2 pieces of winter hats for women and men, 2 pieces of neck warmers, 2 pairs of touch screen gloves mittens, 4 pairs of winter socks, with these warm accessories, you can better get through the cold winterTouchscreen Gloves: these winter gloves are featured with 3 conductive fingertips, to provide sensitive operation to smartphone, keeping your hands warm and comfortable, at the same time, you can also use your phone normallyThick for Warm wearing: these winter hats for men, scarf for men and winter gloves are thick and warm, featured with elastic chunky cable knitting cotton and soft fluffy lining layer, nice to resist the cold wind and heavy snow, keeping you warm and cosy even in the cold winterClassic Black and Gray Color: these winter accessories for men have classic black and gray color, simple and classic, easy to match your different outfits such as jacket, sweater, coat and so on, keeping you warm, adding embellishments to your outfitOne Size Fit Most People: these winter hats scarfs gloves and women thick winter socks have good elasticity, fitting most men, women and teens, the hat is about 23 x 26 cm/ 9.06 x 10.24 inches, the scarf is about 24 x 22 cm/ 9.45 x 8.66 inches, and the sock is about 30 x 7.5 cm/ 11.81 x 2.95 inches, well suited for most adults and teens

2024-10-01 21:04:51

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