해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Ashman Transfer Shovel (2 Pack) – 41 Inches Long D Grip with Durable Handle – A Premium Quality Multipurpose Shovel for Heavy Duty Construction, Farming, and Outdoor works, Gardening, Landscape works.

상품번호 B09MNS9YJH
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상품구분 Patio, Lawn & Garden / Gardening & Lawn Care
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상품가격 $54.99
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Multipurpose Shovel: The heavy-duty Ashman Square Shovel (2 Pack) serves numerous purposes and can be easily used for transplanting small bushes and trees, lawn edging, dividing perennials, cutting sod and small roots, and trenching. It can be used for leveling a yard, for mixing cement or mortar, for digging and erecting camping poles, or for self-defense in a grave situation.Firm Grip: The force applied during the task is directly proportional to the strength of the grip. Thereby, we have combined the Ashman Square Shovel with a D-handle grip that enables a two-handed control that enhances efficiency during the use of the shovel. A firm grip reduces the possibility of untoward incidents during usage.Solid Construction and Premium Design: The Ashman Square Shovel is a highly durable design that is coupled with a heavy-duty blade that is hardened using high temperatures and heavy pressure. The handle is built using durable plastic, which outlasts a wooden handle, making it last longer than any of the competition in addition to being lightweight. The handle is virtually maintenance-free.Finely Sharpened Blades: The Ashman Square Shovel blades are sharpened using precision instruments, making them a soil piercer. The construction is ergonomically designed to enable the application of strong forces to easily slice through the soil or cut roots. It is helpful to reach out to fruits on trees and snap them from branches easily.Customer-satisfied product: Ashman offers premium products for your lawn and garden while exceeding the highest industry standards and offering impeccable customer care.

2024-07-11 14:39:32

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