해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TRYMAG Refrigerator Magnets 100 Pcs, 6x3MM Small Magnets Round Strong Fridge Magnets, Multi-Use Tiny Rare Earth Magnets Mini Office Magnets for Whiteboard, Crafts,Dry Erase Board

상품번호 B09MRN2X7L
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상품가격 $7.99
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【Set of 100 Pcs】- The fridge magnets are small, with 6mm x 3mm size. They are great for small craft projects, miniature models. Besides, the small round magnets come with a high quality plastic case, which is very easy to store and use【No-Scratch Technology】- No marks or stains while removing from your metal board or wall. Ideal as magnetic strong refrigerator magnets, white board magnets, push pins magnets, dry erase board magnets, map magnets, etc【Rust Resistent and Durable】- The little disc magnets have high resistance to demagnetization, corrosion and oxidation, and the mini craft magnets are made from brushed nickel silver finishing material, greatly increase the longevity of the small magnets, can perfectly meet your needs【Wide Range Application】- The small circle magnets can be used as refrigerator magnets, whiteboard magnets, billboard magnets and everything has magnetic, also can help storage things, it’s super useful for home and office. Countless ways to re-organize and simplify your life【Professional Brand】- Made under ISO 9001 Quality Systems. We are professional small magnet seller and you can find any magnets you want in our store. Search TRYMAG MAGNETS. Find the craft magnets you want!

2024-07-10 19:53:09

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