해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Medify MA-112-UV Air Purifier with True HEPA H14 Filter + UV Light | 2500 sq ft Coverage | for Allergens, Wildfire Smoke, Dust, Odors, Pollen, Pets | Quiet 99.7% Removal to 0.1 Microns | White, 1-Pack

상품번호 B09MRQ16VD
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Heating, Cooling & Air Quality
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상품가격 549.99
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UV LIGHT: An added layer of protection so particles are trapped and fully removed from the air. Includes a touch operation panel with 0-8 hour timer, 4 fan speeds, sleep mode, auto mode, filter replacement indicator, and child lock, great for both kids and pets.wattage : 120WMAXIMUM COVERAGE: Cleans up to 5,000 sq ft in one hr, 2,090 sq ft in 30 min, 1,050 sq ft in 15 min. [*Based on average CADR for pollen, smoke, and dust when operating at fan setting 3. Assumes closed room with 8 ft ceiling.] Perfect for extra large roomsHEPA H14 FILTRATION: Trusted to remove 99.7% of harmful particles including allergens, odors, VOCs, smoke, pollen, pet dander, dust, smog, contaminants, and more down to 0.1 microns in size. Captures finer particles than HEPA H11 (0.3 microns)ULTRA QUIET: Choose from 4 fan speeds, with the lowest setting operating virtually silent. Runs at 110 Volts at a maximum noise level of 70 dB. For the most discreet operation, enable sleep mode to completely dim the unit\'s panel lightsQUALITY TESTED & BACKED: CARB, ETL, and Energy Star certified. Backed by a USA registered Lifetime Warranty when genuine Medify replacement filters are used. The replacement filter (B09MRQ16VD) lasts 3,000 hours or about 4-5 months.

2024-07-11 00:41:02

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