해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DAHONPA F-14D Fighter Tomcat Military Army Airplane Building Bricks Set with 1 Figure, 404 Pieces Air-Force Build Blocks Toy, Gift for Kid and Adult.

상품번호 B09N191JZZ
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Building Toys
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상품가격 $29.99
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High-Quality Building Blocks: Our fighter building blocks set is made of high-quality plastic material, ensuring durability and safety. Each block is precisely engineered to guarantee stability and reliability during assembly.Exquisite Design: This fighter building blocks set features a beautifully crafted design with lifelike details. Children will delight in building their fighters and can unleash their imagination by rearranging the components.Inspire Creativity: Through the process of building blocks, children will develop excellent spatial awareness, hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving skills.Learning and Entertainment Combined: This building blocks set is more than just a toy; it is an educational tool. It can help children understand the principles and structure of fighters and ignite their interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.Family Interaction: This fighter building blocks set is a great family bonding activity. Children can build and create together with parents or siblings, fostering communication and cooperation.

2024-07-10 07:16:09

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