해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Winter Ski Snow Gloves for Men, Women, Youth | Touchscreen & Waterproof Cold Weather Hand Warming Gloves Winter Work Gloves

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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Sport Specific Clothing
브랜드 Brand: JJZS
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $22.99
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High density windproof fabricImportedWATERPROOF & WINDPROOF - Our winter gloves design with high density water resistant cloth and long wrist cuff to ensure warmth , the thermal winter warm gloves will keep your hands warm and dry when enjoying snow and ice world, the waterproof gloves winter also works in extremely cold weather.BREATHABLE EXTREMELY WARM Gloves – The winter snow gloves made of three layer cloth, outer high density cloth keep the gloves waterproof and windproof, middle thickened spray cotton help to add warm quickly, inner fluff insulation lining work to keep warm and moisture wicking, a must have ice snow ski gear in cold winter.ANTI SKID PALM - The waterproof winter ski gloves palm cover with anti slip PU leather to add safety, you will easy to hold ski poles, snow shovels, snowmobiles or other working tool with the waterproof warm gloves.TOUCHSCREEN GLOVES - The winter ski gloves have 3 finger touch screen compatibility, the sensitive touch screen gloves will make it convenient and flexible to operate your smart phone without taking off warm gloves.A MUST HAVE SNOW EQUIPMENT - The winter warm gloves fit for men women youth according to colors, the black and navy blue ski gloves suitable for men and large hand youth, the pink, gray and purple gloves suitable for women and all youth. The touchscreen winter gloves waterproof are perfect for snow skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, cycling, driving, running, hiking, motorcycling, ice climbing, riding, snow shoveling, golf, walking the pets and winter outdoor working.

2024-04-04 19:51:55

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