해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Marrywindix 10 Packs 1 Inch Healing Crystal Natural Opalite Heart Love Carved Palm Worry Stone Chakra Reiki Balancing

상품번호 B09NFPXBB8
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Health & Household / Health Care
브랜드 Brand: Marrywindix
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $9.99
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Package Included -- Comes with 10 pieces white heart crystal palm stones, each size approx. is 2.5 cm / 1 inch and a bag of about 98 grams.Quality Healing Crystal Stones -- Made of natural Opalite, polished gemstones and hand-carved to form a smooth heart-shaped stone.Pocket Stones -- Super mini heart-shaped stones fit easily in a pocket, great to hold in hands, daily carry, wrap, place in grids or any place else you wish to.Widely Used -- Used for healing, manifestation, chakra balancing, energy magnification, protection, fengshui, paperweight, home decoration, pocket decor, bookend, amulet, etc.Mind Stones -- Marrywindix meditation stone can relax or relieve anxiety; Increased meditation helps restore mind, body and spirit; Strengthen the heart so that energy flows through the heart chakras appropriately. The great gift choice is for someone who is full of positive energy and removes all negative vibrations.
Product Specifications: Quantity: 10 pcs Opalite Hearts Material: Natural Opalite Size: 25mm x 25mm x 11mm (1 in.) Color: White Shape: Heart Weight: 98g Chakra: Heart Chakra Style: Polished & Smooth Functions: Used to relax or relieve anxiety. Increased meditation helps restore mind, body and spirit. Strengthen the heart so that energy flows through the heart chakras appropriately. Instruction: Hold the palm stones between your index finger and thumb, then gently move your thumb backwards and forth across the stones. Note: Every piece stone is natural and unique, the actual colors, sizes and shapes are a bit different from each other. Please understand it!

2025-01-10 14:45:12

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