해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Car Registration and Insurance Holder, Vehicle Glove Box Car Organizer, Auto Truck Comparment Accessories Case for Cards, Essential Document and Driver License

상품번호 B09NMN9GL1
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상품가격 $8.99
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Upgrade your car organization with the Car Registration and Insurance Card Holder from YAVIV. Made with high-grade PU leather and durable vinyl PVC, it offers the best in quality and craftsmanship. This cool car accessory is built to withstand water and harsh weather conditions, ensuring long-lasting durability.Stay organized with the custom-made car document holder. Designed to keep all your important documents in one place, it features multi-function clear compartments for easy organization. Open it up and quickly find what you need with clear and readable documents. With 1 large pocket for insurance documents, 1 pocket for vehicle registration, and 2 small pockets for driver\'s license, ID cards, AAA cards, and more.Crafted to Perfection: Our glove box organizer is meticulously handmade by skilled artisans. With its stunning 3D embossed cover, impeccable workmanship, and sturdy construction, it combines beauty and durability seamlessly.Perfectly sized for convenience, our insurance and registration holder is compact and practical. With a closure size of 5.51in x 5.12in x 0.59in and an expansion size of 11in x 5.12in, it fits well in any glovebox or console. Whether you\'re a man or a woman, it feels just right in your hand—neither too big nor too bulky.Shop with confidence! Our premium-quality product is built to last. We offer a warranty that covers any defects in production and delivery. If you\'re not satisfied with your purchase, simply return or replace it hassle-free.

2024-06-05 11:19:20

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