해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
INFANS Kids Ride on Car Truck with 2.4G Remote Control, 12V Battery Powered Electric Cars for Kids w/3 Speeds, Battery Display, LED Lights, Safety Belt, Music & Horn, Bluetooth/FM/USB (Dark Black)

상품번호 B09PB7X8CM
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상품가격 $219.99
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REALISTIC DRIVING EXPERIENCE: Your kids can simply accelerate, decelerate or brake by operating the realistic non-slip foot pedal. Designed for small hands, the steering wheel has rounded edges and a comfortable grip, complete with horn and engine sound buttons. And the windshield and rearview mirror also greatly increase the sense of reality. The stylish body of the ride on jeep car is made of safe and high quality material, which is firm and durable. No child will refuse this perfect gift.TWO DRIVING MODES: 1. Manual control by kids. Your child can control the car by steering and pedals. The 2 seater ride on car can be started or turned off with one click and has high and low speeds. Children can improve their independence and coordination through this driving experience. 2. Remote control by parents. The highly sensitive remote control can control the forward, backward, left and right steering. And three speeds can be adjusted. Of course, parents can control the brakes with one click.UNLIMITED MUSIC CHOICES: INFANS kids ride on car includes a multi-functional music player. This not only provides early education for kids, but also makes driving enjoyable. In addition to built-in music, you can also use USB and FM radio. What\'s more, the electric car for kids also supports Bluetooth audio, you can play child\'s favorite music, giving your child unlimited music choices. With various music and cool LED lights effects, driving would be really fun.SAFETY & STABILITY DESIGN: Electric car for kids offers comfortable seats for children over 3 years old. The adjustable seat belt keeps your kids safe. Non-inflatable wheels are made of wear-resistant and non-slip materials, suitable for all kinds of terrain and can be used outdoors or indoors. Under the condition of pedal and remote control, the remote control gives priority to control, fully ensure the safety of children driving. INFANS ride on truck will accompany your child growing up.RECHARGEABLE BATTERY: The 12V battery powered cars for kids are equipped with efficient and stable batteries. Two 35W motors provide sufficient power and long service life. There will be power display on the console screen, so that parents can check the remaining power at any time. The lower right corner of the steering wheel is equipped with a safe charging hole, which can be plugged into and charged directly for safety upgrade. NOTE: Be sure to read the instructions carefully before use.Compliant with US. CPSIA and ASTM Requirements: Made of non-toxic materials without any odor, FREE from BPA, PVC, Phthalates, Lead, Latex, and Formaldehyde. No sharp points or edges. Passed the tests of stability, asphyxiation,load, and shear.DOE & CEC Certification Approved:Comply with the Department of Energy and California Energy Commission\'s electrical energy efficiency regulations to improve the efficiency of electricity products, save energy, reduce gas emissions, and greenhouse effects.

2025-01-11 03:06:22

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