해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
IKNOW IMMERSE Neroli Floral Water Hydrating Mist for Face, Aromatic Toner & Refreshing Floral Spray for Soothes and Balances Skin Tone, (4oz)

상품번호 B09PCX3D95
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상품가격 $25.00
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Multi-Purpose Skincare Solution: Our Neroli Floral Water is a versatile product that can be used as a skin cleanser, toner, hydrator, and makeup remover, offering a comprehensive skincare solution in one bottle.Cleanses and Exfoliates: Gently cleanse and exfoliate your skin with the refreshing properties of Neroli Floral Water, removing dirt, impurities, and dead skin cells to reveal a brighter and smoother complexion.Minimizes Blackheads: Combat blackheads and blemishes with our Neroli Floral Water, which helps unclog pores and prevent the buildup of excess oil and debris, promoting clearer and healthier-looking skin.Natural and Gentle Formula: Formulated with pure Neroli Floral Water, our product is free from harsh chemicals, additives, and artificial fragrances, making it suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.Hydrates and Refreshes: Hydrate and refresh your skin with the lightweight and fast-absorbing formula of Neroli Floral Water, which provides instant moisture and revitalization for a radiant and glowing complexion.

2024-11-27 09:17:12

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