해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
GameGem 2 Step Ladder, Aluminum Folding Step Stool with Anti-Slip Sturdy and Wide Pedal, Lightweight Portable Multi-Use Stepladder for Home and Kitchen Use Space Saving, Black, 330 lbs

상품번호 B09PHHJ3GN
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상품가격 $59.99
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STABILITY AND STRONG STRUCTURE: The step Ladder is made of premium Aviation Aluminum Alloy, which has stronger capacity and lighter weight, Maximum Load: 330 lbs. The side cross brace structure strengthens the basic support which will make you feel more safe climbing up the step ladderSPACE-SAVING: This Folding Step Stools Comes fully assembled! Unfolded: 17.5"H X 18"L X 20.6"W, Folded: 26\'\'H X 18"L X 2.2"W, Net Weight:5.9 pounds. The 2-step ladder is only 2.2’’ wide when folded, saving your spaceANTI-SLIP AND WIDE PEDAl STEP STOOL: To ensure maximum safety during operation, the size of thickened pedal is 7.87"W*12.6"L. The surface of the paddle has prominent lines to prevent slippingMULTIFUNCTION LADDER: 2-step aluminum step ladder helps extend your reach for high shelves, closets, cabinets, cleaning, and more. It can also be used as a ladder shelf for display in your living room, bedroom, bathroomNON-SLIP RUBBER FEET: Big non-slip feet touch the ground to keep it steady and prevent the floor from scratching, which is not easy to slide during use and keep the floor from scratches

2024-06-05 14:03:06

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