해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
10mm F5.6 Fisheye Manual Focus Prime Lens for Panasonic LUMIX,Olympus Micro 4/3 Mirrorless Cameras, APS-C MFT Wide-Angle Fixed Lens, Fit for G7, GX85, GX9, G95, GH5, GH6, G100, G9(Black)

상품번호 B09PK12Q73
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상품구분 Electronics / Camera & Photo
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상품가격 $57.99
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[Attention Please ] In order to provide you with a satisfying experience, please make sure you\'ve READ and UNDERSTAND the below information before purchasing. Please kindly note this Brightin Star camera lens is only used for Mirrorless Camera, NOT for SLR Camera.[Note] This product is a manual lens without an auto-focus function. And the most important thing is to make sure you\'ve set the "release without lens" mode, or your camera may unable to take pictures or videos. If you need any help about that please contact our customer service team directly.[Immersive Focal Length - 10mm] The lens uses a focal length of 10mm, which is the most comfortable distance in Street Photography.[173° Ultra-Wide-Angle] Brightin-Star 10mm F5.6 has an extraordinary 173° angle of view, and at the same time can minimize picture distortion., such as starry sky, buildings, grasslands, beaches, wilderness, exhibition halls.[More Convenient Focusing] The lens adopts a Hyperfocal-Design, you don\'t even need to focus to shoot things in the distance, just press the shutter to record wonderful things.[Extremely Compact Design] The lens Thickness 1.2 in and the Weight 0.75 lb. You can usually install it on the camera and shoot directly when needed.[Compatible Information] Fit for Panasonic Olympus M4/3-Mount G1/2/3/5/6/7/9, GH1/2/3/4/5/5S, GM1/5/7/1/7/8/85/9, GF1/2/3/5/6/7/8/9, EPM1, EPM2, E-P1, E-P2, E-P3, E-P5, E-M1, E-M1 II, E-M5, E-M5 II, E-M10, E-M10 II, E-M10 III, E-PL1, E-PL2, E-PL3, E-PL5, E-PL6, E-PL7, E-PL8, E-PL9. The brand name listed herein are for reference purposes only, Brightin Star is an independent brand.

2024-04-04 20:02:49

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