해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Buffalo David Bitton Men's Short Sleeve Kasum Henley

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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Men
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상품가격 $27.30
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Buffalo creates fashionable, unique clothing that defines you. The Kasum crew-neck Henley for men features a regular fit, short sleeves, and accent buttons. It’s made of a cotton-and-polyester knit blend and is available in various bold colors with a burnout wash. This casual shirt has been individually dyed and washed. Any shading, color variation, or holes are a design feature to give it a vintage look and should not be considered defects. To remove possible dye excess, wash separately in cold water and dry inside out before wearing. At Buffalo, each piece of fashion we make moves us forward. Through a deep understanding of our product life cycle and our commitment to repurposing waste to make new fabrics and materials, we ensure that our garments contribute to supporting the world we live in. Buffalo was born of fashion in 1972. Since our beginnings in France, the birthplace of denim, our denim has always been a means of expression. We dress you from the “bottoms up” with the perfect fits, the finest fabrics, and timeless washes while having a responsible impact. This is who we are. We are Denim.

2024-06-04 05:22:25

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